Holy Week in the nine towns and villages making up the Drum Route is a magical time. It is when Albalate del Arzobispo, Alcañiz, Alcorisa, Andorra, Calanda, Híjar, La Puebla de Híjar, Samper de Calanda and Urrea de Gaén bring out their holy images, snare and bass drums and tunics.
The most outstanding events during Easter in these towns and villages are:
“Romper la Hora”, the ceremony marking the start of the drumming, is celebrated in both Híjar and Calanda, each of these places with their own special features. In Calanda this takes place at noon on Good Friday, and its participants wear purple tunics. This event is held at midnight on Holy Thursday in Híjar, starting off the Easter commemorations.
The “Drama of the Cross” is a passion play that is held on Good Friday evening on the hill known as Calvario (Calvary), in which many of the residents of the town participate.
Processions, such as those held in Alcañiz, a number of them in silence, like the Procession of the Nazarene and the Silent Procession, and many others filled with noise, such as the Procession of the Holy Burial, in which many locals participate and are carried away by the passion they feel for their drums.
This district is located in the north east of the province of Teruel and is made up of the following municipalities: Aguaviva, Alcañiz, Alcorisa, Belmonte de San José, Berge, Calanda, La Cañada de Verich, Castelserás, La Cerollera, La Codoñera, Foz-Calanda, La Ginebrosa, Mas de las Matas, La Mata de los Olmos, Los Olmos, Las Parras de Castellote, Seno, Torrecilla de Alcañiz, Torrevelilla and Valdealgorfa.
The capital of the district, Alcañiz is an outstanding example of the architectural heritage to be found in the area. A 12th-century castle stands on the hill dominating the town, while the square, Plaza de España, is the setting for a Gothic merchants’ exchange, a Renaissance town hall and a Baroque collegiate church.
- Drum Monument
- Drum Route
- Plaza de España, Alcañiz
- Castle of the Order of Calatrava